Міжнародная канферэнцыя распрацоўнікаў і карыстальнікаў свабодных праграм

Materials of LVEE 2013 and LVEE Winter 2013

Book of abstracts

LVEE 2013

9th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Grodno, June 27—30, 2013):

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During the past years cybersecurity issues become extremely relevant and have already arisen to the government level. Recent high-profile cases of Chinese hackers, the emergence of computer war bible "The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare" and the creation of a Russian cyber-army shows how serious this issue is. The report provides answers to the following highly relevant issues: the way a server may got hacked, how servers are hacked, what to do if the server was owned by a stranger, and what could be the end of this terrible game. Practical exploitation examples of popular vulnerabilities are considered, as far as small research of hack tools. Tags: [vulnerability management], [attack vectors], [hacking], [forensics]. У вас дыра в безопасности Oleg Boytsev
Minsk, Belarus
Free and Open Source software development model is very advantageous to use when creating large software projects. This development model is suitable, including, for software products used in the business. But Free Software business applications require specific organizational forms of Free Software Communities. For example, if Free Software Community based on non-profit organization, there is an opportunity to protect their developments from unfair competition. Как приручить программного монстра Александр Рябиков
Moscow, Russia
Checkpoint/restore is a feature that allows to freeze a set of running processes and save their complete state to disk. Unfortunately, many attempts to merge such functionality into the upstream Linux kernel have failed miserably, mostly for the code complexity reasons. OpenVZ kernel developers team found a way to overcome this inability to merge the code upstream, by implementing most of the required pieces in userspace, with a minimal intervention into the kernel. Linux Userspace Checkpoint/Restore: From Dreams to Reality Andrew Vagin
Moscow, Russia
FreeIPA is an open source project that eases use of a secure and reliable GNU/Linux infrastructure. FreeIPA provides central management of Kerberos credentials, LDAP data store, DNS management, Certificate Authority, and resource use control through  convenient and easy Web-based and command line interfaces. It will be shown in the workshop how to deploy a fully-managed and secure Kerberos environment in less than 15 minutes, together with client systems and two-factor authentication. FreeIPA: как распутать клубок безопасности? Alexander Bokovoy
Finland, Espoo
The paper describes organizational transformations at the company that resulted into the improved actual efficiency of the developers due to lower bureaucratic burden and related time losses, expenses associated with the setup of development environment, costs associated with waiting for QA/user’s feedback, and manual testing costs. Special attention is payed to involved open source instruments. “Покращення вже сьогодні” или оптимизация процесса разработки Николай Маржан, Александр Лутай
Киев, Украина
There is a small gap in ready solutions between the systems with a local disks and a professional storage systems. The report highlights some technologies and approaches helpful at building personal storage area network of arbitrary size for using in various environments. Сеть хранения данных своими руками Роман Шишнев
Minsk, Belarus
The paper considers usage of open source online programming competitions server ejudge. In addition to technical aspects author's experience is described, concerning both technical and social issues. Использование Ejudge для проведения олимпиад по программированию Дмитрий Храбров
Gomel, Belarus
pkgsrc is a cross-platform packaging system. Besides NetBSD where it was born in 1997, pkgsrc supports Linux, Solaris, all BSDs, Minix, QNX and a lot of others. In total 15 platforms are supported. Pkgsrc has a number of advantages over existing packaging systems: easy packaging, support for many compilers, efficient binary package management and source-based upgrades but the killer-feature is a support for diverse operating systems.  Adapting pkgsrc for Linux as an additional yum/zypper/apt repository of binary packages is considered here. pkgsrc4unix Aleksey Cheusov
Minsk, Belarus
Camera tracking is a technology that helps to combine video from real life with 3D scenes, which are limited only by author's imagination. Currently, Blender allows to perform a simple one-point 2d tracking and complex reconstruction of the scene with the calculation of the markers and the camera position in 3D space. <br />
This technology is not limited to creation of visual effects. It allows architects to quickly and visually prototype their designs. It can be  also used in scientific calculations, because the reconstruction of 3D scene can be quite accurate. And finally, it is exciting and full of fun. Camera tracking in Blender Алексей Бабахин
Рязань, Russia
A review of image sharpening enhancement algorithms devilered by FLOSS projects is provided together with discussion of their end-user characteristics and some theoretical aspects. Алгарытмы паляпшэння выяваў у ВПЗ: падвышэнне рэзкасці Антон Літвіненка
Киев, Украина
Software-Defined Network (SDN) - is a new cutting-edge architecture concept, which meets new demands to networks. The main idea is that the network control is decoupled from forwarding and is directly programmable. It allows to build very flexible network topologies, which may be changed in runtime, from a single point of control. OpenFlow - is the key standard fully-implementing the concept of SDN. Though OpenFlow is an open standard, the most of existing OF Switches, that might be considered as a real enterprise ones, are proprietary. LINC is the first full-functional switch, which conforms to the last OpenFlow version, 1.3.1, and made for using in enterprise topologies. LINC: Full-functional enterprise Open-Source switch developed on Erlang Dmitry Orekhov
Minsk, Belarus
A project implementing SLAB-like objects free list is presented,   targeted to be used in user-space code. The differences from another similar projects are flexibility and orientation to configuration features used at compilation and run-time stages. Code is written in pure C (C11) and allows end user to build library for embedded/low-power systems as well as for using in high-load server systems. Flexible user-level implementation of SLAB-like free list Ivan Matylitski
Minsk, Belarus
Concatenative programming languages is growing in popularity family of programming languages. Factor is one of the most mature of them and one of the most pragmatic. It has lots of features and is greatly extensible. Article gives brief introduction to Factor programming language, to its history, features and differences from other programming languages Конкатенативный язык программирования Factor Алесь Гузик
Minsk, Belarus
Modern Linux-based distributions are extremely flexible and configurable, so a number of different approaches available on how to setup and use MultiSeat feature. The main idea is to share desktop computer among multiple family members without additional cost and to have a possibility to work or play for some people in the same time. Играем взводом или MultiSeat в Linux Denis Pynkin
Minsk, Belarus
Big PostgreSQL databases under heavy load require special care. Database administrator should keep eye on amount of indexes and tables bloat and use special tools to reduce bloat level. Big databases need extra handling when doing backup as well. Replication management is another special task. This talk describe some solutions how to deal with such databases in production. Долгоиграющие БД PostgreSQL Юрий Бушмелев
Ульяновск, Russia
An approach to teaching GNU/Linux basics in university is proposed. This program is the result of refactoring of earlier courses taught at MIET. This course's aim is to provide a working knowledge of the operating system, so students could start to use GNU/Linux. This is in contrast with previous course, which lost connection to practice and which was too difficult. The new version proved to be successful as a popular elective course. Подход к преподаванию десктопных и сетевых возможностей GNU/Linux в университете Алексей Городилов, Александра Кононова
Москва, г. Зеленоград, Russia
strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional tool for monitoring interactions of processes with Linux kernel, including system calls, signal deliveries, and changes of process state. Report briefly recalls long history of the project, describes main strace features and new features added in recent releases, gives overview of the implementation and plans for the future. strace from upstream point of view Dmitry Levin
Moscow, Russia
Prognoses of Post-PC era coming are discussed and some real statistics, to determine features of future computer-based workflow in higher education institutions. The «bring-your-own-device» concept is reviewed as a possible infrastructure modernization approach. Эра post-PC в ВУЗах Дмитро Ванькевич
Львов, Украина
The world is not ideal that's why some packages can't built under certain architecture (i.e. grub, wine) or some vendors doesn't produce packages (skype, steam). In future it will allow run ancient packages. For this cases all distributives has multiarch support - installing of packages from more then one architecture in one system.<br />
This article is an overview of multiarch realizations in modern GNU/Linux distributives: OpenSUSE, Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu, Gentoo, ArchLinux and describes differences in package lifecycle. Обзор реализаций поддержки мультиархитектур в дистрибутивах Linux и их сборочных системах Kanstantsin Shautsou
Minsk, Belarus
Raise and fall of XMPP technology is analyzed as far as notes are given to the Second IM world war, including Google Talk abolish and protocols incompatibility hell. Brief history and current state of Jabber.org.by, the first public  Jabber/XMPP server in Belarus, is presented as an example of community"=driven XMPP project. XMPP/Jabber глазами мантейнера jabber.org.by Vlad ‘mend0za’ Shakhov
Łódź, Poland
During games development  often exists a problem of choosing the right tool for storing and processing data. In this paper MySQL and Redis are compared. The main technique is to implement the part of functionality using each  tool and to analyse the obtained solution. The analysis includes both static code and data verification, and also real experiments with all interesting parameters measured. Then experiments' data are processed and given results are  objectively compared. Сравнение Redis и MySQL на задаче построения игровых рейтингов Алексей Романов
Minsk, Belarus
The talk presents a set of technologies and tools used at ROSA to develop its products, first of all Linux distributions. These tools are open source and can be used by other distribution developers to automate various tasks, such as checking repository consistency, ABI compatibility analysis, tracking of upstream components evolution, package difference analysis and, finally, the ABF integrated development and build system Технологии и инструменты автоматизации разработки в ROSA Vladimir Rubanov
Moscow, Russia
This presentation opens belarusian pirates' agenda, describes what they do and ups some actual issues for free software community. Do we ready to comminucate and build bridges for overcoming common challenges? Пиратское движение в Беларуси Михаил Волчек
Minsk, Belarus
Web is about queues thus you should use platforms that have<br />
lightweight threads because they are easy to write and debug or you find yourself in a trace hell Introspecting Web Applications with Haskell and Erlang Vladimir Kirillov
Kiev, Ukraine
MongoDB is a document database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. Simple processes automation will be covered by the report,as well as data processing, reports and statistics generation, all in JavaScript. JavaScript и MongoDB Виталий Домников
Kiev, Ukraine
As it happens, some architectural shortcomings popped up during the ongoing development of mkimage-profiles, the tool aimed at reducing configuration and code duplication required to describe distribution images and those for virtual environments/machines being built. The assumptions that didn't hold up are reviewed. Просчёты в mkimage-profiles на примере ARM Michael Shigorin
Kiev, Ukraine
TR-069 specification defines CWMP protocol for remote management of consumer premises equipment. This universal protocol provides an ability to configure wide range of network devices. Nowadays it is supported almost by all vendors and can be used by communication service providers with its open-source implementations Управление сетевыми устройствами с помощью TR-069 Anton Mikanovich
Minsk, Belarus
Голос спонсора. World of Tanks: Linux and Open Source Inside Maksim Melnikau
Minsk, Belarus
Голос спонсора. Promwad: Курс «Программирование ядра Linux» в БГУ Андрей Пушкин
Minsk, Belarus
Blender is a powerful free and open-source 3D computer graphics software product, which is rapidly developing and already can compete with commercial products. The key features of the product are: original interface that is different from the classical CAD systems and set of advanced integrated features, usually found in certain software products. Such as non-linear video editing, compositing, or game engine Воркшоп по работе в 3D редакторе Blender Виктория Вожжова
Рязань, Russia
This workshop is about tools for creation of real-time live audio-visual performances. I'll show some tools live (Mixxx, din, fluxus, projectM, VSXu, LiVES, LPMT) and note some other tools, which I can't show by some reason (Veejay, FreeJ, QuaseCinema, SuperCollider, etc.) Воркшоп по открытым средствам для аудио-визуальных перфомансов Юрий Бушмелев
Ульяновск, Russia
Another reverse-engineering guide. Guides one through USB protocol basics and reverse-engineering tools for Linux. Generic advises on understanding vendor-specific USB protocol Воркшоп по реверс-инжинирингу протокола USB-устройств Vasily Khoruzhick
Minsk, Belarus

LVEE Winter 2013

Winter session of 9th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Minsk, February 15-17, 2013):

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Telepathy-skykit, a telepathy connection manager developed by the author, is presented. It implements skype protocol support and is based on Skype SDK for embedded development (skypekit). Project goal: use Skype without "regular" desktop client and use all features which telepathy provides: unified UI for all protocols, proper logging subsystem and telepathy integration with Desktop Environment. telepathy-skypekit announce Maksim Melnikau
Minsk, Belarus
Presentation is an introduction to the world of distributed file systems with a humble attempt to categorize them. A problem of choice is considered depending on a workload profile, some common issues and pitfalls are discussed. A practical OrangeFS experience is presented with tips and tricks for better performance. Introduction to distributed file systems. OrangeFS experience Andrew Savchenko
Moscow, Russia
Minsk LUG monthly meetings. Explaining of new meeting format, giving a to do list of organizational Board and discussing organizational aims which was (or was not) reached Лінуксоўка ў новым фармаце, занатоўкі выпадковага ўдзельніка аргкамітэта Андрэй Захарэвіч
Minsk, Belarus
LATEX → OpenDocument(ODF) or .doc conversion is a common problem. There are tools for such conversion, but the resulting document requires substantial manual adjustment. This article proposes set of scripts and macroses for automatisation of tedious work, that is needed to convert LATEX → html and then → ODF or .doc using Hevea and subsequent adjustment. Преобразование документов LATEX в формат Word/OpenOffice.org с использованием Hevea Александра Кононова, Алексей Городилов
Москва, г. Зеленоград, Russia
The report covers new design of operating system for blind and visual impaired persons offered by the Luwrain project. Suggested conception includes text-based user interface without GUI elements as well as a number of system services managed through D-Bus. New approach to user interface implies implementation with Java virtual machine. The project is based on conclusions of ALT Linux Homeros distribution respecting all positive parts of its experience. Luwrain — адаптированная ОС с речевым интерфейсом Михаил Пожидаев
Томск, Russia
The report examines some aspects of chosing information systems. Steps are proposed to examine, which should provide help to such communities as the LVEE and BSOFT to increase the market share of open source software in the enterprise segment. Выбор информационных систем. Продвижение открытых систем в Enterprise Вячеслав Бочаров
Minsk, Belarus
A review of image denoising enhancement algorithms devilered by FLOSS projects is provided together with discussion of their end-user characteristics and some theoretical aspects. Алгарытмы паляпшэння выяваў у ВПЗ: падаўленне шумоў Антон Літвіненка
Кіеў, Ukraine
Software-Defined Network (SDN) - is a new cutting-edge architecture concept, which meets new demands to networks. The main idea is that the network control is decoupled from forwarding and is directly programmable. It allows to build very flexible network topologies, which may be changed in runtime, from a single point of control, according to user's needs. OpenFlow - is the key standard fully-implementing the concept of SDN. The matter of this presentation is overview of OpenFlow evolution and several OpenFlow-enabled solutions. OpenFlow – the key standard of Software-Defined Networks Dmitry Orekhov
Minsk, Belarus
Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing. The report covers the most sufficient details of the Storm project, such as realtime stream processing, horizontal scalability, processing guarantee and fault-tolerance, installation, application deployment and some typical how-to's. Programming examples use Java. Storm. Система распределенной обработки данных в реальном времени Andrei Piatrushenia
Minsk, Belarus
Free source software potential in Belarus society institutions (universities, schools, transport, etc.) is discussed. An approach is proposed to shift open source communities from marginal or narrow utilitarian positions to wide-spread mainstream. Drupal is free software created by people from the whole world. The CMS is heavily used in many countries, but no so much in Belarus. The worldwide Drupal community offers a lot of useful tools for needs of our society. Strong and weak sides in the Drupal deployment are covered on the example of school. Opensource Сommunities and Social Institutions Mikhail Volchak
Minsk, Belarus
Article describes gaps and problems of Linux in high school education and initiatives of commercial companies Epam and SaM Solutions in this area. Different approaches and different local targets but common understanding of problem and cooperation in the spirit of Free Software. Обучение Linux в корпоративном секторе Денис Пынькин, Владимир Шахов
Minsk, Belarus
Author introduces a domain specific language for representing rules in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) systems which is used as a foundation in production system IHS Goldfire Innovator. This language is being used in different semantic engine modules such as sentence boundary disambiguation, part-of-speech tagging, parsing, noun phrase extraction and transformation, coreference, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and others. The Word-bases Regular Expressions Aleksey Cheusov
Minsk, Belarus
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open platform for distributed computing developed since February 2002 by University of California in Berkeley and licensed under LGPL. Initially it was built to support famous SETI@home project, aimed to search signals of extraterrestrial civilizations among the cosmic radio signals. Currently many projects run by known research centers from around the world uses BOINC. BOINC allows users having a computer and internet connectivity to participate in scientific projects. Thanks to University of California in Berkeley not only the research institutions gained "cheap" computing power, but also it allows to grow awareness of common internet users concerning the scientific problems, which must be dealt with. Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing – an open distributed computing system; OProject@Home – distributed computing Lukasz Swierczewski,
Lomza, Poland
slides slides
Free and Open Source software serves both as a model of development and as enabling methodology for many other fields of human enterprise. We have applied the Free software and Open source principles to create an open access scientific database in the field of chemical crystallography F/LOSS for Open Science: Crystallography Open Database Saulius Gražulis,
Vilnius, Lithuania
English, Russian
Brief history of PHP applications; business-oriented features; fast response on market changes; progressive rewrite; functionally tests for potential harm (registrations, payments etc.); migration to modern solutions like Symfony2; legacy handling; other useful things: sharing dependency container between legacy and modern apps etc. Modernize your 10-15 years old PHP applications Paweł Mikołajczuk,
Warsaw, Poland
Epm is universal package manager for different Linux distributions and operating systems. Application and implementation details, which at the interface, similar to the rpm and apt at the same time, allows to perform necessary operations in a similar way on any platform. Etersoft Epm — универсальная оболочка управления пакетами Денис Баранов, Даниил Михайлов,
Виталий Липатов
Санкт-Петербург, Russia
The further development is discussed for mkimage-profiles - the instrument started as a research project to reduce extra duplication in configurations and additional code at creating distributives images and virtual environments. The overview of changes happening within and around mkimage-profiles is presented for the period of about half a year, while preparing it for production. mkimage-profiles: долгая дорога в 0.9.x Michael Shigorin
Kiev, Ukraine
Jenkins is an open source continuous integration (CI) tool written in Java. In CI it helps automate various tasks with code/product manipulation, such as fetch sources from SCM, build sources, run tests, various scenarios, send reports. Jenkins has 42400 active installation, more then 636 plugins that extend base functionality. New version releases almost every week Jenkins as automation tool Kanstantsin Shautsou
Minsk/Novopolotsk, Belarus
Clojure is a modern dialect of Lisp intentionally designed for seamless integration with the JVM-platform. Due to its functional nature and Lisp flexibility, Clojure suits well for web-applications development. A lot of of libraries written in functional style make web-development with Clojure really simple. Применение Clojure в web-разработке Дмитрий Бушенко
Minsk, Belarus
Speeding up Linux loading on ARM SOC is considered. Steps to speed up loading Linux on ARM board: review boot scheme (initramfs, no initramfs, filesystems, user space soft) and check loading time of all booting parts; customize pre-bootloader (on ARM TI AM3517 CPU is X-Load), turn off any console output, customize memory timings; customize bootloader (U-Boot), turn off any unused peripheral, rewrite some slow places; customize Linux kernel, turn off all unused options, move everything else to modules that come later; customize user space soft, loading GUI prior to other soft. Ускорение загрузки Linux на ARM процессоре Андрей Пушкин
Minsk, Belarus
Because of the lack of support for TDM bus in the Linux kernel we decided to implement such driver and commit it the mainline. This thesis describes the TDM technology, its scope, and some of the nuances of implementation. Also it describes the possible prospects of its development, and development of the VoIP on Linux in general Поддержка шины TDM в ядре Linux Михаил Курочкин, Александр Городинский
Minsk, Belarus
Open discussion “Проблемы копирайта и способы их преодоления в Беларуси” Марина Костылянченко
Minsk, Belarus

Lightning talks:

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Што можна палепшыць у лінуксоўках Андрэй Захарэвіч
Minsk, Belarus
Веб-интерфейс для ns-3 Алексей Городилов
Москва, г. Зеленоград, Russia
Устранение проблем совместимости приложений с помощью Charmix Богдан Арабаджи
Минск, Belarus
ME100 Евгений Хоружий
Минск, Belarus
YAPC::Europe 2013 Сергей Романов
Рабочий процесс в компании NONAME Mykola Marzhan, Alexander Lutay
Kiev, Ukraine
Книги и атомы Александр Загацкий
Витебск, Belarus
С миру по нитке, студентам – курс Pavel Sukhov
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Sponsors’ presentations:

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Wargaming.net: Zero downtime upgrade на коленках Maksim Melnikau
Minsk, Belarus
SaM Solutions: Linux Cluster next generation Vladislav Bogdanov
Minsk, Belarus
EPAM Systems: Low-level programming Denis Kovaliov
Minsk, Belarus
Инновационная компания Promwad: голос спонсора Иван Кутень
Minsk, Belarus