Международная конференция разработчиков
и пользователей свободного программного обеспечения

Materials of LVEE 2015

Book of abstracts

11th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” (Grodno, June 25-28, 2015):

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Article describes the history of creation and supporting Linux-based infrastructure in ECM department of BSUIR. Described evolution and current state of technical decisions used for creation Linux-based infrastructure. История одного маленького дистрибутива Linux Denis Pynkin
Минск, Беларусь
Continuous availability is an absolute priority for the network applications. However, there are cases when the application unavailable to users (eg software update). This publication - offers one of the solutions. Уменьшение простоя (downtime) при обновлении сетевого приложения Aliaksandr Kharkevich
Минск, Беларусь
CRIU is the open-source checkpoint-restore project of the Odin (former Parallels) company. It provides basis for containers live-migration, seamless kernel update and a set of other features. In this talk I will present the current state of the project, describe the community that has grown around it and show how the open development model of a small project affected the life of the whole company. CRIU: как маленький open-source проект меняет жизнь большой компании Павел Емельянов
Москва, Россия
The article provides a comparative analysis of cross-platform programming tools. Cross-platform programming tools are divided into three groups: cross-platform compiled languages (Table 1), cross-platform programming languages at the execution level (Table 2) and cross-platform interpreters (Table 3). The information in Tables 1-3 is ordered by number of the supported operating systems (descending). Table 4 provides information about standardized libraries and frameworks used in cross-platform programming. To substantiate the analysis results, the index of popularity of programming languages ​​TIOBE is used. Параўнальны аналіз сродкау кросплатформеннага праграмавання Григорій Злобін
Львів, Украина
One of base questions that appear in data synchronisation, is getting file notifications from the directory. Common solution for this is using a Linux kernel subsystem such as inotify or fanotify. Since fanotify doesn't notify file deletions, file renames or file moves, it is difficult to use fanotify for such applications. But of course fanotify gives as pid of process which have caused the event to happen. This can be very useful for some special cases, for example we should ignore events created by themselves. But in synchronisation it is very important to provide good support of move folders, in fact it is common problem for most synchronisation apps. In this subject we will review inotify just deeper. Known problems of inotify are that it provides no way of recursive monitoring and no map between watch descriptor and real path. Both thess questions have been solved in librnotify. Рекурсивное наблюдение за файловой системой на примере librnotify Андрей Змушко
Минск, Беларусь
Classification of the different types of graphics elements will be given. Mixed methods to work with graphics within LaTeX system are examined. A brief overview of the appropriate tools and tips are given as well. Гибкая графика LaTeX Yury Andreev
Санкт-Петербург, Россия
The rights to study and modify free software imply access to its source code. The rights to verify scientific result imply access to its background and previous results. That could be a problem if an access was given by a (url-)link. The problem will be considered in the present article. Надёжные ссылки Yury Andreev
Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Cross-platform development gives you more users, less development costs, immunity to vendor lock-in and other goodies. But how to do it properly? Below the experience of Opera Software with its famous Opera browser is presented, including problems that arised and how they were solved. Кроссплатформенная разработка. Опыт Opera Software Алексей Хлебников
Осло, Норвегия
PostgreSQL offers great extendability. Users can add literally everything on their own: data types, functions, operators, index types, procedural languages and so on. But in order to use the full power of these features one should write C code for PostgreSQL. Traditionally it's assumed that barrier to entry of C programming for PostgreSQL is very high. That's why extendability of PostgreSQL is no as demanded as it could be. The goal of present talk is to overcome this circumstances. Программирование на C для PostgreSQL Александр Коротков
Москва, Россия
Performance of Linux network stack was always kept in mind during any implementation. Increasing demand for cloud services, multimedia content, high performance computing forces to search new ways of optimization. SO_BUSY_POLL is one of the way to improve processing of incoming network messages without changing source code of the product. Коротко о SO_BUSY_POLL Евгений Рыбак
Минск, Беларусь
The article gives an overview of the free software usage in film-making industry. It covers all the basic steps of creating an animated film with specifics related to Blender. Использование пакета Blender при работе над анимационными проектами Виктория Бабахина
Рязань, Россия
In modern Open Source world we need an open alternative to the proprietary product called BIOS. This alternative exists and is called coreboot. Coreboot is not fully equal to BIOS, it's only does initialization of RAM, execution of binary vendor blobs and starting some payload. The report main task is to cover how to start using it. Coreboot. Практическое знакомство со свободной альтернативой BIOS Nick Void
Минск, Беларусь
Modern heterogeneous infrastructure, which contains different type of network devices and servers, needs modern monitoring systems. Also the main problem of finding proper solution is that it should fulfil requirements of flexibility, openness, good support from community. The article presents an overview and experience of modern free monitoring systems, which fulfil spoken above requirements in case of a middle-size ISP. Experience of finding and using modern monitoring systems Naim Shafiev
Baku, Azerbaijan
Automatic bibliography generation, being common for LaTeX users, is irrationally rarely used by scientists that prepare publications via WYSIWYG editing packages. While some linkers of BibTeX system to office packages exist, one may prefer more profound reference systems that automatize also crawling and managing citations as well as regular sorting and pattern formatting. FLOSS example of such system, named Zotero, is discussed in the presentation. Zotero: аўтаматычная бібліяграфія ў WYSIWYG-рэдактарах Антон Літвіненка
Кіеў, Ukraine
In 1999, the company SWsoft (Parallels) was born the concept of container virtualization. We have formulated three major components that defines the container itself: a set of processes with namespaces, file system for the separation of code and memory and resource isolation. In 2000, the company's employees have prepared a concept of a commercial product Virtuozzo, which lets you create isolated Linux environments (containers). In 2002 the company released a public version of Virtuozzo and in the same year appeared the first commercial users. In 2005 the company launches OpenVZ project to develop an open implementation of Linux containers. Under this project, the project team is developing a Linux kernel with containers, a utility for container management and other tools. Over the past 10 years, the project gained popularity. OpenVZ is used not only as a platform for hosting, but also for infrastructure applications requiring isolation applications. During the existence of the project were the myths and misconceptions about the project, which could not dispel the answers on forums, blogs and e-mail correspondence. The same questions arise again and again. This report is intended to definitively debunk myths about the project OpenVZ. Мифы и легенды о проекте OpenVZ Сергей Бронников
Москва, Россия
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes, when object is created by laying down successive layers of material one by one until the entire model is recreated. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. Некоммерческая 3D-печать Алексей Бабахин
Рязань, Россия
An open hardware project to measure physical state changes of the user while his/her interaction with software is presented. Galvanic skin response, heart rate and blood pressure are used as measured parameters. A schematics is proposed to get these parameters from electric and optical sensors. Arduino platform is engaged in getting data from developed sensors and passing them via USB cable to the receiving software, to store log in CSV format. Аппаратная оценка состояния пользователя Дмитрий Костюк
Минск, Беларусь
Today network traffic is absolutely out of human control, this is something that human mind cannot manage. On the other hand, network security becomes more and more important, since more and more of human activities are moving to the Network. The solution could be a software, which is able to learn from past Data incoming, and then to make assumptions about new Data and predictions about the future. Though algorithms for this domain are well-known, there is a problem to implement them, because they are often very resource-consuming. Fortunately, cloud technologies now afford building cheap and productive clusters, and Open Source solutions like Spark provide a powerful tool to build advanced analytics software on top of them. Data Science for Network Security Dmitry Orekhov
Минск, Беларусь
This work concerns some tasks needed for KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) with free software (mostly from Debian GNU/Linux). This method was successfully used for taking aerial photos of several open-airs in 2013 and 2014. Nowadays it is very important to have cheap and simple solution. Любительская малобюджетная аэрофотосъёмка с использованием свободного программного обеспечения Дмитрий Самсонов
Москва, Россия
The oldscool: container virtualization in its most hardcore way (workshop) Denis Pynkin
Минск, Беларусь
Workshop по построению mesh-сетей Михаил Волчек
Минск, Беларусь